Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hot date...

Well as hot as a church youth dance can get :) Matt had to chaperon the youth dance tonight and so I got a sitter and went with him. It was so fun! It brought back memories of my younger years...I lived for the dances. (yes I was very boy crazy and yes I was every leaders first kiss was at a church dance!) I drove all our youth crazy by taking pictures of them every time they turned around....sure they acted like I was bugging them but they will thank me later! I won't post all the pictures I took because I took 125 pictures! Every time there was a slow song I ran around and took pictures of them :) It was a 50's theme and I was impressed with how many kids dressed up. I even got Matt to dress up which is not an easy thing to do!

Don't they look like they could be on the cover of the movie Grease!!!!!