Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School!!!!!

Today was the first day of school!!!!! Last night Matt gave each of the kids a blessing, it felt like the good old days when I was in school and my dad would give us a blessing. I love the calming feeling you have after the blessing and then the first day doesn't seem so scary. Even Luke and Emma at this young age felt that same peace. This morning went was so weird to drop off 2 kids to school. Luke's starts at 8:45 a.m. (which is way nice because last year he started at 8:00 and so it felt like we had so much time this morning!). And then Emma's starts at 9:00 a.m. They were so excited and had no problems marching right in there. I was more worried about leaving Gavin at the Kids' Club at the gym today because usually he has Luke and Emma in there and if he is fussy they just have Emma come take care of him :) He did great too!

The kids with daddy anticipating their first day!

Um I don't think you'll get ANY sleep like this! :)

Emma after her blessing from dad!

Luke after his blessing!

FIRST DAY!!! Here we come...

Our neighbors little friend Hannah is the patrol for Luke's class. She stands with his class until the teacher opens the door. Luke thought he was so cool that he knew the big 5th grade patrol :) And it doesn't hurt that she is a really cute girl :)
Gavin was so funny while we were waiting for the teacher to open the door, he would walk over to Luke and bend down and say something like he was checking on him and giving him a pep talk. Then at one point he went and plopped himself into Luke's lap :)

Luke with Mrs. Lipsit
Emma in front of her school
Emma handing in her first homework assignment that they gave her at Meet the Teacher. She was so proud of her little paper person:)

Emma and Marin

Ms. Angie, Emma, and Ms. Nicole the triplets :)


Christie said...

Oh my gosh, can I just say that they are the cutest Floridians ever!!! I just can't believe how grown up Luke is. And little Emma reminds me of Chrystal always the mom. They are dolls, thanks for sharing the pictures, I just love getting on and seeing new pictures, it just keeps us so connected. I try to show them to MOM (Grandma rose) when she comes in, so she can see the fun things you do. I love the picture of Matt with the kids. What a good man he is. The really scary thing is, I remember most of those firsts with Matt, I guess because he was the first grandchild. We did adore him, still do!!! Love ya, hope the Hurricane passes and no damage, keep us posted.

Heidi Reid said...

Rose Family,

We are so excited for all of you! And we are so glad you received your school blessings. They help to start things off just right. We are so proud of all of you and we know that this year will be great. Loves and kisses from the Reids! Emma looks so grown up!

Greg and Wendy said...

All three kids look so grown-up!!! We miss them so much. Can I say how grateful we are that Matt uses his priesthood in such a way? I remember when Greg used to give the kids blessings before school each year. There is a tangible feeling of peace that settles, isn't there? I wish every little child could have that opportunity before their first day of school. It can be such a frightening experience. I love that you took pictures after the blessings so the kids will never forget. Hope Fay passes quickly with no damage and things get back to normal.

Jocelyn said...

I'm always forgetting to get on and check now that you're private! Grrr!

The kids look so excited for school. I still can't believe Emma goes all day. Is she loving it? It's a lot of fun to see the pictures -- I'm glad you're so faithful.

The Florida Roses said...

Emma is loving it but comes home pretty exhausted