Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life is good, busy but good :)

Well life is as busy as ever and things are going good. Here are just a few highlights:

At Luke's school they let the parents come and have lunch with their child. Luke was dying to have me come, but the problem is that they don't let the younger siblings I had to arrange a babysitter, etc. I finally made it and it was soooo fun! You have to sit in an outside courtyard with your child. I was a few minutes late and so Luke had already gone to the lunchroom. When I poked my head in his face lit up. It was so fun to just be sitting their with Luke. I can't remember the last time it was just he and myself without the other two! It was fun to just sit and chat. I was glad I went too because lunch time is a little stressful for Luke. He doesn't like it because neither his teacher nor I are there. And then when the teacher comes to pick up the class he tries to get all of his garbage in his little hands and take it to the garbage can. He was always talking about how lunch stressed him because he had "full hands". So when we ate together I showed him that he can load it into his lunch box and then go and dump it all at the same time. He seemed relieved! :) What a fun day!

Emma's big news this week is that she can swim without her water wings on! We meet at the pool every Tuesday with all our friends. Usually I sit and chat and Emma runs around with her friends. I decided she needed some one on one and so we took off her water wings and she swims sooooo gracefully! I am so proud of her. She can even do the most graceful dives! She is very excited about her new talent! :)

Gavin is thinking he is so big. He is ALL over the place and pulling himself up on anything. He seems to be doing better for babysitters too...Matt and I ran a 5K on Saturday and he was good all morning for the babysitter! It is just when he sees me that he wigs out and wants to be in my arms.

Like I said Matt and I ran a 5K on Saturday. We took Luke with us because the neighbor down the street has a little boy in Luke's class and when they found out we were going to be running in the same 5K they told us that we should bring Luke and that he could hang out with the little boys dad. Well the little boy Austin is also a twin and they all three had grey shirts on and they looked like triplets!!!! It was fun to have Luke there cheering us on. There were about 1200 people running and I took 512th place or 188th in the women's or 24th for my age group with the time of 29:20. Matt took 36th in his age bracket, 305th place overall and 225th for the men. His time was 26:03. And then Luke did the kids run with his little buddies Austin and Kyle and took third place behind Austin and Kyle. He was a little bummed to take 3rd but it was a good lesson in sportsmanship. :)

Matt was out of town all week. He usually just travels a day or two and so it was weird to have him gone 4 days! He'll learn his lesson quick because when he is gone that long it gives me more time to realize all the home projects we need to get to....we will be painting the walls this week :)

At Luke's class at school they have a little stop light and if you are good you stay on green, but if you get in trouble you go to yellow and have a 5 min. time out and then if you get in more trouble it's red, and then blue....everyday Luke is proud to report that he is on green. Friday I picked him up and he had his head down and looked like he was about to cry. He burst into tears and told me he was on yellow! He felt so bad about it. I guess he and his friends were talking during a fire drill. I didn't know what to do....of course it's not ok for him to be on yellow, but he was punishing himself already enough and I didn't have the heart to make him come home and get more punishment. I really think he learned his lesson, the worst part for him was the phone call he had to make to tell Matt...he was so scared! :)

Every morning this week Emma will come in my room around 6:30 a.m. and wake me up and say "Is Grandma here yet?" She can't wait to have Grandma and Grandpa come into town! She doesn't have any concept of time and so it has been very hard for her. She has shed many tears and thrown many tantrums this week because Grandma is not here yet. Finally we made a paper chain to count down for Grandma and Grandpa's arrival! Each day she looks forward to tearing off a link. But even that is difficult for her because a couple of hours later she wants to take off ANOTHER link!

Well not much else is going on around here. I am still training for my triathlon and now have the goggles and swim cap. The kids think it is hilarious to is pretty comical when I have it all on :)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Beach Bums

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Here's our news this week...

Emma is still missing all of our family...we will be riding in the car and Emma will say "let's go to Grandma's house today". She says it like we live just down the street! (I wish!) Then she cries and says "then let her come to our house". How sad!

Anyway, this is going to be short and sweet because it is late.
I finally got a bike for my upcoming triathlon that I have been training for. It was so funny because Friday night we got it at Target. Then we go walking out to the van and realized that we couldn't fit the bike and all the kids in the van too. So here I am in my cute little high heel flip flops, jewelry, little ruffled shirt, and helmet on the bike, riding home at 9:30 at night! Talk about a funny site! My neighbor laughed at me and told me when she sees people like me riding around on their bikes she thinks "Oh how sad, she must have gotten her license taken away due to a DUI!" :) It was actually really fun! Matt and the kids kind of followed me, the kids thought that was a riot!

I am LOVING the new piano! I have now taught myself to play 3 hymns. Luke keeps asking "Why do you play so much"....little does he know that when he starts taking piano lessons he will be playing just as much! :)

Today Gavin pulled himself up to standing on the couch! I can't believe how fast he is growing. The poor kid, I took him to the doctor on Friday because he has had a cold, and come to find out he not only has a cold but double ear infections, and he was wheezing. So I am having to give him some of Luke's asthma medicine. Poor baby!

Luke's friend Nicholas and his sister Brooke stay after school in the "Extended Day" program. The day care program. Luke and Nicholas both have been trying to get me to get a job so that Luke can go to Extended day too! So much for appreciating the stay-at-home mom! :)

We have a little after school tradition that when we get home the kids hop up on the barstools and I give them a little snack as we take turns telling each other about our day. I asked Luke if he was on green (the teacher has a stop light and if they get on yellow or red they have to have a time out). Luke replied "Yes mom I'm ALWAYS on green, remember" as he points to his CTR ring. He acts like there is no way for him to choose wrong with the ring on. Hmmm, I sure hope he doesn't ever lose the ring! Are tattoos bad if it is just around the finger and it says CTR? :)

Emma's first day back to dance with Ms. Lori

Luke's first day of Kindergarten with Mrs. Balasis!!!!