Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines is here again...

Making Valentine boxes brings back memories of Elementary school for me...I love it! Emma wanted to make a snowman box and some how I convinced her to do this cute butterfly. And Luke's, well let's just say I am so excited that I won't be stepping on these little army guys anymore :)

This is Luke's Valentine party at school. His poor teacher was out sick that day :(

These are the beautiful flowers Matt sent me for Valentines Day! We went out to dinner with our friends Jessica and Mark Martinez to a restaurant we have not tried before called the Boston Fish House. It was a fun night!

Here are the kids valentines they handed out...I can't take credit, got the idea off the internet. I think they are so funny! :)


Greg and Wendy said...

If this is not THE CLASSIC EXAMPLE of the innate differences between males and females! Love their boxes- they are much bigger and fancier than our kids ever got to take to school! Great job!

Jocelyn said...

Cute!!! So, Chloe's class makes one in class -- nothing fancy, just a little box they can make in an hour. It's sort of a relief, but at the same time, I really am bummed about not being able to make them with the kids.

Love Luke's -- it's really clever!

Grandma and Grandpa Gillespie said...

I remember a few of your masterpieces, Sara! Speaking from a teacher's perspective... Valentine's Day at school is as big and crazy as Halloween!
Happy Valentines, all you Roses!

Christie said...

Good choice Emma, the butterfly is so you!! Dainty and bright and beautiful. And Luke the army box is so tough looking. If there was a contest I bet you two would be grand champion box makers. I loved making boxes for Valentines for the kids. Chrystals always was a production, Mitch's was always Dallas Cowboys, every year. Whit wanted something spectacular, but fast. And Nate always had a adventure theme. Funny that I can still remember that, since my mind is shot these days. Love ya Happy Valentines

Anonymous said...

Hail the boxes of greatness!!!!!!! Awesome!

Lori Wilson said...

I wish I got to do that with my kids! They look so thrilled. You can see their personalities in those boxes -- 100%. Somehow, I think you probably didn't have to twist Em's arm very hard to get her to do the butterfly. So, so, so cute!! :)

Lindsay said...

Cute! You are such a crafty mom! I love Emma's!

kim and morgan said...

Super cute. I LOVED the Valentine's you sent us. My girls loved them too. So fun! Thanks for thinking of us!

Grandma and Grandpa Gillespie said...

Thanks for the darling valentines. How creative!! I felt like I could reach out and touch the kids little hands!!!