Saturday, September 25, 2010

Penelody the Penelopede

Today Gavin and Emma were outside and caught a centipede....Emma came running in and yelled out for us to come quick because she caught a "penelopede!" Gavin came running in right behind her and was just as excited and exclaimed "Yea we caught a penelody!" I LOVE the things kids say! Like tonight Emma's throat was hurting and she said "I hope I'm not getting strips like Gavin just had." Gavin is just getting over strep throat or strip throat as Emma thought! Too cute!


Christie said...

I love the things they say. Whit was the best at stuff like that, she still has a few Whit-isms that we laugh at. Can't say ambulance to save her. Even at 17 I think it is cute. They say it runs in the family. Mom says Grandma Chrystal had some really funny things she used to call things.

Jocelyn said...

Kidspeak is my favorite.

Love that they love those little bugs!

kim and morgan said...

I love him.... just love him.

Greg and Wendy said...

Kids and bugs, what is it? I can remember playing with grasshoppers for hours in the huge field by our home on 1st Street.
Kids DO say the cutest things, don't they? Way to go for recording them for posterity.