Friday, October 30, 2009

What a day off...Pumpkin Carving & Hewitt Trick-or-Treating!!!!

It was so nice that the kids had school off on Friday, my main goal for the day was to carve our pumpkins. I knew Matt would be excited if we did it without him :) The kids drew the face, and scraped out the inside and I did the cutting. It was such a fun afternoon. Later we got to go to Matt's work for the annual Hewitt Trick-or-Treating. This is the only time we really get to see the people Matt works with and it is fun to see how much their kids have grown up! What a wonderful Day!!! It didn't end there....Luke had baseball practice and then we had the Dowdy's party! Whew, this has been a week of non-stop partying!


Heidi Reid said...

Your pumpkins look great! Love and miss all of you!

Christie said...

What a handsome dad you 3 little munchkins have!!! I miss all of you, even my Matthew!!! I just can't wait for December!!!! Love ya all.

Greg and Wendy said...

Matt, you just get more and more handsome! I LOVE the picture of the lit pumpkins! I also oved the pumpkin carving, just not the scooping out process! YUCK!

Greg and Wendy said...

The picture in front of the bar with the pumpkins in back is adorable! Emma's hair is getting so long (and I noticed in other pictures that yours is, too, Sara! Just beautiful!!!