Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tag...You Are It

Thanks to my little sis...I've been here it goes:

How to play this game of tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names.

3 Joys:

  1. I love when my kids are all playing together and getting along!!!! It is such a wonderful feeling to see them actually imagining together and laughing together!

  2. Dates with my hot husband! We just chaperoned the youth dance on Saturday night and it was a blast! Not very often that you get to slow dance :)

  3. Listening to Gavin learn to say things, his little kisses, his singing, Luke's maturing humor (his jokes are actually starting to make sense), spending a girls day with Emma...we just got our hair done together :)

3 Fears:

  1. The death of one of my kids or husband or any of my family members! Losing one of my kids in a crowded place.

  2. Scary movies

  3. Becoming Relief Society President :)

3 Goals:

  1. Trying to stay within our budget

  2. Read scriptures daily without fail

  3. Get my house dejunked and organized and then KEEP it that way for more then 24 hours!

3 Current obsessions/collections:

  1. READING!!! I am currently neglecting my kids and husband as I am reading the 4th of the Twilight series!!!

  2. Working out...I am loving doing the triathlons that my friends and I have starting doing. Our next one is going to be a relay one in Sept. and then a sprint tri in Oct. Hopefully my injured knee will stop being a nuisance :)

  3. Blogging and reading all blogs! :)

3 Random suprising facts about myself:

  1. I really want to learn how to ballroom dance! I just need to get my husband on board!

  2. If you are running on the treadmill next to me, swimming in the lane next to me, or even just biking near me, I am secretly racing you! :)

  3. My little sister and I started a club with our friends Susan and Amy when we were little. The club was the "We don't gossip club". Our motto was "We talk a lot but we don't gossip" as we would hold 2 fingers to our mouth :) FUNNY!

The next 5 people I am tagging...Lorraine, Alisha, Amy Hillis and Lopez, my mom and dad and Matt's mom and dad :) I know that's more then 5 but I don't care! Tag you're it!


Alisha said...

#2 on 3 Random Facts was hysterical. I love these, I will do mine tonight!

Heidi Reid said...


That is so you! Remember your date to the gym and how you wouldn't let the guy out workout you? Or bowling and not letting your date win! You go girl! I love and miss you.
