Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prayer works on shots too!

Emma had her 4 year old physical it's not her 4th birthday, I'm just a lame mom and didn't get it done 8 months ago when it should have been done :) So today the doctor said since it was so close to her 5th birthday why don't we just give her the shots she will need before Kindergarten and then she won't have to do it then. The whole time leading up to this appointment Emma would ask me if she had to get shots and I was secretly hoping NOT because the last time we did shots Emma WIGGED OUT! I'm talking it took 3 nurses and myself to hold her down. They were shocked at how crazy she got, she was screaming and even starting to throw the chair in the room around. Soooooo needless to say both Emma and I were not looking forward to the next time the dreaded shots had to take place. I decided I should just get it over with today and so after the doctor left the room I started preparing Emma. And yes the tears started...I let her know she could have a reward for her bravery yada, yada, yada. Gavin was so concerned about her and was giving her hugs and kisses. Long story short, after the tears and drama of her kicking and screaming when we tried to lay her on the table, finally the nurse had me practically lay on the upper portion of her body and then the nurse had the legs. As I was laying on her and holding her hands I whispered in her ear that we should say a prayer together. So I started the prayer and she would repeat after me..."Heavenly Father, please help me to relax and feel calm and be brave..." As soon as we started the prayer Emma stopped her crying and relaxed under my hold. She was perfectly still as she concentrated on the prayer and as soon as we said amen the nurse said she was all done! I was expecting an increase in screaming when the shot actually went in but Emma didn't flinch!!!! I couldn't stop myself from tearing up on the car ride home when I thought about how a child's faith is so simple and strong...bribery with her favorite toys and all the calming things I could think to say didn't work but prayer did!


Heather Ann said...

Wow what a GREAT story! I HATE going to those Dr. visits, that story reminded me of my son when he'd get his shots, they get so upset! What a GREAT idea to say a prayer. I know that worked with my kids before we went to the dentist we said a prayer, and afterwards in the car my son said-"mom i guess that prayer really did work, because I wasn't scared at all". If only we all had "child-like faith" huh!? Thanks for the reminder, and I hope your surviving these storms!

Lori Wilson said...

I'm sitting here just crying my eyes out reading this story, Sara. Thanks for sharing. These little experiences are such testimony builders (for big and small alike). Do you mind if we use this experience in our FHE? The kids seem to understand concepts so much better when they are connected to situations or stories of people they actually know.

The Florida Roses said...

You can definitely use the story..very simple but it was a neat moment!

Love you guys!

Greg and Wendy said...

I, too, am crying my eyes out! Oh the simple faith of children! I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who inspired you to say a prayer and then for answering it! And because you shared it with us, all of our testimonies have been strengthened! We love our little Emma!

Jocelyn said...

Wow, that's so neat, Sara. Way to go, Ems! I am constantly amazed at the influence prayer has on our kids.

Chalk one up to a great mom moment!