Monday, August 11, 2008

Last beach day before school starts

We were supposed to have one more R.S. beach day today but I really didn't get the word around very well and I think people were getting ready for school to start next week. So I didn't really know of anyone going but my kids still wanted to go. I was starting to not want to do it myself, but I'm glad I did. It was nice to get away from the messy house and piles of laundry and enjoy my kids. Luke was loving riding the waves...he was making me a little nervous because he was CLEAR out there with all the big kids. Emma made friends with the little kids around us and was busy catching crabs and snails (she brought home one of the sea snails as a pet) and Gavin had a good time chasing the seagulls! They were having fun digging in the sand too and were COVERED from head to toe! This week is full of fun things for the kids to end their summer on a good note! :)


Heidi Reid said...


You are an amazing Mom! What fun memories you are making. I miss the beach. Next year for our family reunion!

Love you!


Amy H. said...

Sar! Did you find a friend to take your picture? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!